Laughter and Gratitude
The kids started school and the universe was in full swing last week. I arrived home a few weeks ago from a very busy week in New York and New Jersey.
At one point when I was gone, I felt the world had ended back at home in Texas. I literally arranged for a sitter, dinner, transportation, and closed down our new business adventure Lago Sneaux. While I was gone, the community freaked out about us closing and my husband got a taste of what my life is like trying to promote my book, speaking, invention, and running a snow ball stand.
He finally understood how challenging it can be for me to get a REAL, 9-5, job. If I had a REAL job I know I would have been fired a long time ago.
I had not slept but maybe three hours as my flight home was super early. When I landed, off I went to run to the ICE shop. Little Lonnie was super nice and complimentary on how much he missed my face and how beautiful I was. My older son, Matt, embraced me with a big hug of love. He said, “It’s so boring without you momma!” Oh the joys as a working mom and the love our children need when we are gone. The next morning we were back in full swing. I found someone to work the snow shack and Matt had a ride to get to football. I picked him up and noticed something was wrong. He explained they were scrimmaging against the older boys and he hurt his wrist.
Monday came and there was no electricity at the snow stand and of course the chaos on Social media ensued. I sat back and laughed. I laughed because my stresses had honestly changed over the years. The old me, well she is still here. She wanted to come out and show up the way she always did but, she didn’t. Why? Because the old me had so much negative energy.
I picked myself up and thanked God for showing me a better way to live my life. Being in a space of gratitude is just so much easier than angst. The laundry could wait, dishes, and the small things I really get crazy about needed to pause.
So, if you are having a shitty day… why not try to laugh or think about something funny. I bet your entire perception will change and your nervous system will thank you. That’s all y’all. It’s an oven in Texas and I am looking forward to August coming to an end!