Manic Mondays: All of Life comes to me with ease, joy, and glory!
It’s a Monday. A Monday the day after we got back from our Spring Break vacation from California to be exact.
It started off amazing, with a call bright early and bushy tailed speaking to women about my book. But, right after my call I received a call from a new friend here in my new state. I am not sure if I was able to shake the trauma of my friends interesting news she spewed to me. But, to my surprise Jillian (me) shook it off. I awaited my husband to return from the military as that is his current job here in Texas, so I may get on the road to head to Houston. I was going for my friend Ashley’s birthday and to hit the concrete to make cold calls for my book brought into Houston for some book sales and another book signing.
I share with you guys that anytime I head out of town I have to create everything for my little family. From dinner, to homework, to T-ball practice and everything including getting baby Lonnie’s bag ready for the next day. It’s a very exhausting experience in my opinion. If I don’t have the very right things I will not be surprised if the husband will call literally an hour after I have left to express that I forgot something he can do himself.
After the disturbing call from my friend in Texas, I continued to say the chant, “All of life comes to be with ease, joy, and glory!”
On the way to Houston, to my surprise, all of life came to me with ease, joy, and glory! The blue bonnets are blooming and Monday, Tuesday was a beautiful day!
I arrived an hour late for dinner. Ashley was so happy to see me. Lauren surprised her to an eventful spot in Downtown Houston. The place is called Magical Dessert Bar. Oh my word, this place has unicorns everywhere and has the most amazing desserts you could think of…it’s a little girls dream. As a woman in her thirties and my friends too, we really enjoyed our outing. Sparklers for a candle and a huge ole’ milkshake with cake. Good Lord was it good. To top that off, we saw some naked women running down the road screaming, “Equality!” Ashley’s bday was a treat from the Manic Monday.
I woke up Tuesday ready to rock and roll. I was waiting on Ingram to give my approval of my book that was already submitted. All of the independent bookstores frown upon Amazon, go figure. I wanted to make sure everything was done correctly. I woke up got Lauren and I juices and came back. I got on my computer, mapped out my bookstore route, and went on about my day. In between the waiting, I was outside soaking up the sun out and clearing my mind by the pool. I think it’s important as an entrepreneur to take time for yourself. It’s important to take mental time to love yourself. I was doing that and was loving the sun and beautiful site of butterflies that are out right now in Texas.
At 2pm, I texted Vanessa and we checked on Ingram. Bammmm!!! The long awaited approval was finally there! I went back inside to approve the PDF, jumped in the shower, and got ready to hit the pavement.
“All of Life comes to me with ease, joy, and glory!” That’s all I kept saying to myself. Every single bookstore I went into was gladly and willing to host a book signing in their bookstore. I can’t stress enough to new authors how important it is to get out and introduce yourself. They say print is coming to an end and the digital world will over rule print. I don’t think that this will happen this year but, I can tell you this, bookstores in larger cities are still progressing and have so many workshops and wonderful people working at their stores.
After, my adventures in Houston I called Vanessa (my PR/Media Manager) and was thrilled to express to her how happy I was about my day.
I drove back to Austin with a happy heart and I reflected on my hard work. “All of life does come with ease, joy, and glory!” But only if you are willing to receive it in that way!
Go and chase unicorns and create your life. No one else will do it for you, so why don’t you choose what is light for you and what makes YOU happy?
I can say with no hesitation that that Manic Monday was a win for me as an entrepreneur. It showed me once again that you must show up in order to master the role as a woman entrepreneur. Get out smile, and be yourself as God intended for you to be.