Bitterness Will Tear Down What You May Be Manifesting
If you don’t get it by the root,
It will consume you.
What I won’t have resolved or work thru,
Will kill love,
You have to nurture love and feed it.
Excuses make people bitter, flourish and branch all the way out to touch your kids!
Touch your opportunities.
The roots have got it….
If you forbid it,
It will cancel out your spiritual life.
Moral: When you can’t focus, you can’t win.
Then you won’t celebrate anyone because you didn’t get to the root.
You didn’t just become bitter, you became bitterness.
Like a wasp has to have a stinger strong enough to pollute.
What stung you?
What got to your fruit?
Your possibilities?
You loose hope
You loose life.
What you become, will become less intended.
Part of bitterness comes with what would have not.
Success isn’t successful bc you have become stung
Misplaced rage, will affect the way you perform as a husband, as a father.
When Jesus challenges us with loved ones,
All the laws and commandments.
If you love the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself,
Open up your roots.
Let God heal you.
Love God like you love yourself.
Love yourself, just as your crazy self.
Love God and love yourself.
Where is it?
No angles, no archangels … get off your knees and stop asking me for help.
You can rise above with your faith to get out of your struggle.